Pressure Point: BL 7 – Tongtian

  • Name (Chinese): Tongtian – (通天)
  • Name (English): Reaching Upward
  • Introduction: Tongtian, translated as “Reaching Upward” in English, is a pressure point used in traditional Chinese medicine, specifically on the Bladder meridian.


Tongtian (BL-7) is located on the head, approximately 1.5 cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline, and 4 cun within the anterior hairline in the depression between the cranial bones.

BL 7 Tongtiant

Pressure Point Identification

First, identify Baihui GV-20 at the vertex, which is at the junction of the anterior midline and a line connecting the ear apices.

Baihui GV-20 is 5 cun superior to the anterior hairline, while Tongtian BL 7 is 1 cun anterior to GV-20 and 1.5 cun lateral to the midline.


  • Alleviating headache and dizziness.
  • Improving mental clarity.
  • Addressing neck and upper back tension.


Apply firm but gentle pressure with the fingertips or thumbs to BL-7. Circular or kneading motions can be used. Adjust pressure based on comfort.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person has a history of head or neck injuries. If there is discomfort, reduce pressure or discontinue the technique.

Conditions Treated

  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Neck stiffness.
  • Stress-related tension.

Related Points

BL-6 (Chengguang – Holding Light): Located nearby, Chengguang is often used in conjunction with BL-7 for addressing head and neck issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can BL 7 be used for eye-related issues?

Yes, stimulating BL-7 may contribute to relieving eye strain and improving vision, as it is believed to influence the flow of energy in the head and eye region.

Is it safe to stimulate BL-7 during pregnancy?

While acupressure is generally safe during pregnancy, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before applying pressure to specific points, including BL 7, during pregnancy.

How long should I apply pressure to BL 7 for optimal benefits?

The duration can vary, but a common recommendation is to apply pressure for 1-2 minutes initially and then gradually extend the time if comfortable. Listen to your body’s response.

Pressure points – Bladder Meridian (BL)

BL 7

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