Pressure Point: BL 59 – Fuyang

  • Name (Chinese): Fuyang – (跗陽)
  • Name (English): Tarsus Yang
  • Introduction: Fuyang (BL 59) is a significant acupressure point known as Tarsus Yang. It plays a crucial role in traditional Chinese medicine, particularly in addressing specific health concerns and promoting well-being.


It is located on the lateral aspect of the lower leg, precisely 3 cun above Kunlun BL-60.

BL 59 Fuyang

Pressure Point Identification

  • Begin by identifying Kunlun BL 60 in the depressions between the malleolus tip and the Achilles tendon.
  • Locate Fuyang BL-59 by measuring 3 cun directly above Kunlun BL-60 on the lateral aspect of the lower leg.


  • Alleviates ankle pain and stiffness.
  • Promotes the smooth flow of Qi and blood in the leg.
  • Addresses issues related to the lower back and lumbar region.


Apply steady, firm pressure using your thumbs or index fingers. Use circular or kneading motions, and adjust the pressure based on comfort. Hold for 1-2 minutes or as needed.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially if there is acute pain or inflammation. Pregnant individuals should consult a healthcare professional before applying pressure to this point.

Conditions Treated

  • Ankle pain and sprains.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Sciatica.

Related Points

  • Kunlun BL-60: Located below Fuyang BL-59, it complements Fuyang in addressing ankle and heel pain.
  • Chengshan BL-57: Located on the gastrocnemius muscle, it assists in relieving leg cramps and promoting circulation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is BL-59 effective for ankle pain relief?

Yes, Fuyang BL-59 is known for its effectiveness in alleviating ankle pain, sprains, and stiffness.

Can pregnant individuals use acupressure on BL-59?

Pregnant individuals should consult their healthcare provider before using acupressure on BL-59 due to its proximity to the ankle and potential stimulation of uterine points.

How often can acupressure on BL 59 be performed?

Acupressure can be performed on BL 59 daily for a few minutes, but individual tolerance and response should guide the frequency. If discomfort arises, reduce the frequency or consult a professional.

Pressure points – Bladder Meridian (BL)