Pressure Point: BL 54 – Zhibian

  • Name (Chinese): Zhibian – (秩邊)
  • Name (English): Lowermost in Order
  • Introduction: Zhibian (BL-54) is a key pressure point in traditional Chinese medicine, located on the Bladder meridian. It plays a crucial role in addressing specific health concerns related to the lower back, sacrum, and surrounding areas.


Located at the level of the 4th posterior sacral foramen about 3 cun lateral to the posterior midline.

BL 54 Zhibian

Pressure Point Identification

  • Begin by identifying Tuffier’s line, connecting the highest points of the iliac crest, with the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra (L4) mostly falling on this line.
  • Palpate in an inferior direction, passing L5 and reaching the most superior 1st sacral foramen.
  • Continue palpating to the 4th sacral foramen.
  • Zhibian (BL 54) is at the level of the 4th sacral foramen and 3 cun lateral to the posterior midline.
  • Points between Fufen BL-41 and Zhibian BL-54 are in the lateral branch of the Bladder Channel, while those between Fengmen BL-12 and Baihuanshu BL-30 are in the medial branch.


  • Alleviates lower back pain
  • Addresses sacral issues
  • Promotes balance in the Bladder meridian


Apply firm and steady pressure with your thumb or knuckle, using circular or pulsating motions. Adjust the pressure based on individual comfort.


Exercise caution when applying pressure to the sacral region. Avoid excessive force, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have pre-existing conditions or concerns.

Conditions Treated

  • Lower back pain
  • Sacral discomfort
  • Imbalances in the Bladder meridian

Related Points

  • Fufen BL-41 (Lateral Branch): Situated on the Bladder meridian in the lateral branch, Fufen BL-41 is associated with addressing issues in the lower back and promoting balance in the Bladder Channel.
  • Baihuanshu BL-30 (Medial Branch): Located on the Bladder meridian in the medial branch, Baihuanshu BL-30 is known for its role in addressing sacral concerns and supporting the equilibrium of the Bladder Channel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Zhibian (BL-54) be stimulated during pregnancy?

While Zhibian (BL 54) is associated with lower back benefits, pregnant individuals should consult with a healthcare professional or qualified acupuncturist before applying pressure to this point. It’s crucial to ensure safety during pregnancy.

Are there specific lifestyle changes that complement the benefits of Zhibian (BL 54) stimulation?

Incorporating activities like gentle yoga or tai chi, along with maintaining good posture and regular movement, can complement the benefits of Zhibian stimulation. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Can Zhibian (BL 54) help with urinary issues?

Zhibian is primarily associated with the lower back and sacral region. While it may indirectly support urinary function through its influence on the Bladder meridian, specific urinary concerns should be discussed with a healthcare provider for comprehensive evaluation and guidance.

Pressure points – Bladder Meridian (BL)