Pressure Point: BL 5 – Wuchu

  • Name (Chinese): Wuchu (五處)
  • Name (English): Fifth Position
  • Introduction: BL 5, known as Wuchu in Chinese, is a vital point on the Bladder meridian in traditional Chinese medicine. It plays a role in addressing various health concerns and promoting overall well-being.


BL5 is located approximately 1.5 cun above the hairline, directly above the forehead.

BL 5 Wuchu

Pressure Point Identification

Identified by measuring 1.5 cun above the hairline. The point is often described as being directly above the forehead.


  • Alleviates headache and migraines.
  • Relieves eye strain and discomfort.
  • Promotes mental relaxation and clarity.
  • May help with insomnia and sleep disturbances.


Apply steady and firm pressure with your fingertips or thumbs to BL5. Use circular motions or gentle pulsing to stimulate the point. Alternatively, incorporate massage techniques or acupressure tools for added effectiveness.


Exercise caution if the person has a pre-existing medical condition or if there is sensitivity in the area. Avoid excessive pressure, and if discomfort persists, consult a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Eye strain and discomfort
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Mental fatigue and stress

Related Points

  • BL6 (Chengguang) – Located nearby, Chengguang is often used in conjunction with BL5 to enhance its effects. It is situated on the forehead, directly above the pupil.
  • BL4 (Quchai) – Positioned on the face, approximately 1.5 cun above the midpoint of the eyebrow, Quchai is another point related to BL-5 and is used for issues related to the eyes and forehead.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can BL 5 help with sinus headaches?

BL5 is not specifically targeted for sinus headaches, but it may indirectly help alleviate headaches by promoting overall relaxation and reducing tension in the head and neck.

Is it safe to apply pressure on BL-5 during pregnancy?

It’s advisable for pregnant individuals to consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure to acupressure points, including BL5.

How long and how often should I stimulate BL 5 for optimal results?

Start with 1-2 minutes of gentle pressure and gradually increase if comfortable. It can be stimulated several times a day, but individual responses vary, so adjust based on personal comfort and outcomes.

Pressure points – Bladder Meridian (BL)