Pressure Point: 44 – Shentang

  • Name (Chinese): Shentang – (神堂)
  • Name (English): Spirit Hall
  • Introduction: Shentang (BL 44) is a significant acupressure point located on the Bladder meridian. It is known as the Spirit Hall and plays a role in addressing spiritual and mental aspects of health.


Shentang (BL 44) is situated 3 cun (about 4 finger-breadths) lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra (T5).

BL 44 Shentang

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Shentang, find the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7), palpable when the neck is flexed and extended. As C6 starts to slide anteriorly, C7 remains palpable.
  • The spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra (T5) is five spinous processes below C7. Alternatively, locate T3, generally on the level of the medial end of the scapular spine when the patient is seated with arms hanging down.
  • Shentang (BL-44) is 3 cun lateral to the lower border of T5. Xinshu (BL-15) is at the same level but 1.5 cun lateral to T5.
  • Points between Fufen (BL-41) and Zhibian (BL-54) are in the lateral branch of the Bladder Channel, while those between Fengmen (BL-12) and Baihuanshu (BL-30) are in the medial branch.


  • Calms the spirit
  • Relieves mental stress
  • Supports emotional well-being


Apply moderate pressure using your thumb or fingertips. Circular or pulsating motions can be effective for stimulating this point.


Avoid excessive pressure, especially in individuals with spinal issues or recent injuries. If there’s discomfort, reduce the pressure or consult with a healthcare professional.

Conditions Treated

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mental fatigue

Related Points

  • Xinshu (BL-15): Located at the same level but 1.5 cun lateral to T5, related to heart health and emotional balance.
  • Fufen (BL-41) and Zhibian (BL-54): Points in the lateral branch of the Bladder Channel.
  • Fengmen (BL-12) and Baihuanshu (BL-30): Points in the medial branch of the Bladder Channel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I stimulate Shentang (BL 44) on my own, or do I need a professional?

Yes, individuals can apply gentle pressure with their fingertips or thumbs, but it’s advisable to seek guidance from a trained practitioner.

What are the emotional benefits associated with Shentang (BL 44)?

Shentang BL 44 is believed to help balance emotions, alleviate stress, and promote a sense of spiritual well-being.

Are there any specific breathing techniques recommended while applying pressure to Shentang?

Deep, slow breaths can enhance the relaxation response. Focus on mindful breathing to complement the benefits of Shentang BL-44 stimulation.

Pressure points – Bladder Meridian (BL)