Pressure Point: BL 37 – Yinmen

  • Name (Chinese): Yinmen – (殷門)
  • Name (English): Hanstring Gate
  • Introduction: Yinmen (BL 37) is a significant pressure point along the Bladder meridian, known for its association with the Hanstring Gate. It plays a role in traditional Chinese medicine practices, such as acupressure and acupuncture.


Yinmen (BL 37) is located 6 cun below Chenfu BL-36, on the line joining Chengfu BL-36 and Weizhong BL-40.

BL 37 Yinmen

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Yinmen BL 37, first find Chengfu BL-36 in the middle of the gluteal crease and Weizhong BL-40 in the middle of the popliteal crease.
  • Draw an imaginary line between these two points. Yinmen BL-37 is situated on this line, 6 cun below BL-36, and usually 8 cun above BL-40.


  • Supports the relief of lower back pain
  • Addresses issues related to the sacrum and coccyx
  • May aid in managing sciatica


  • Apply firm but gentle pressure using the thumb or middle finger.
  • Use circular or kneading motions for acupressure.
  • In acupuncture, insert needles with appropriate depth and angle based on individual factors.


  • Avoid excessive pressure, especially if the person has sensitivity or pain in the lower back area.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before applying pressure or performing acupuncture if there are underlying health concerns.

Conditions Treated

  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Sacral and coccygeal discomfort

Related Points

  • Chengfu BL-36: Located in the middle of the gluteal crease.
  • Weizhong BL-40: Located in the middle of the popliteal crease.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Yinmen BL-37 be used for conditions other than lower back pain?

While its primary association is with lower back issues, Yinmen BL-37 may indirectly contribute to addressing related concerns like sciatica and sacral discomfort.

Are there alternative methods to stimulate Yinmen BL 37?

Yes, acupressure is a non-invasive option. You can also explore complementary therapies such as moxibustion.

Are there any specific exercises or stretches that complement the activation of Yinmen BL-37?

Gentle stretches targeting the lower back and hamstring muscles can complement the benefits of stimulating Yinmen BL 37. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise routine.

Pressure points – Bladder Meridian (BL)