Pressure Point: BL 32 – Ciliao

  • Name (Chinese): Ciliao – (次髎)
  • Name (English): Second Bone Hole
  • Introduction: Ciliao (BL 32) is a vital acupressure point located on the Bladder meridian. It plays a crucial role in addressing various health issues related to the lower back and sacral region.


In the 2nd posterior sacral foramen, about midway between the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) and the midline.

BL 32 Ciliao

Pressure Point Identification

  • To locate Ciliao (BL 32), start by identifying Tuffier’s line, connecting the highest points of the iliac crest, where the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra (L4) aligns. Palpate inferiorly, passing L5, to reach the most superior 1st sacral foramen. Continue palpating to reach the 2nd foramen, where Ciliao (BL-32) is situated.
  • Identify the 4 sacral foramens simultaneously. Locate the 4th sacral foramen on the level of the superior end of the rima ani. Place the little finger on the 4th foramen, then the ring, middle, and index fingers on a slightly V-shaped line in a superior direction, palpating for the depressions of the sacral foramens.
  • The index finger will rest on Shangliao BL-31 of the 1st foramen, the middle finger on Ciliao BL-32 of the 2nd foramen, the ring finger on Zhongliao BL-33 of the 3rd foramen, and the little finger on Xialiao BL-44 of the 4th foramen.


  • Alleviates lower back pain
  • Promotes sacral and lumbar flexibility
  • Addresses sacral issues
  • Supports reproductive system health


  • Apply gentle, sustained pressure using the thumbs or fingertips.
  • Circular or kneading motions can be effective.
  • Gradually increase pressure based on comfort.


  • Exercise caution in pregnant women.
  • Avoid excessive pressure; gradual and gentle is key.
  • Seek professional advice if unsure about the application.

Conditions Treated

  • Lower back pain
  • Sacral issues
  • Reproductive system imbalances
  • Lumbar flexibility concerns

Related Points

  • Shangliao BL-31 (1st sacral foramen)
  • Zhongliao BL-33 (3rd sacral foramen)
  • Xialiao BL-44 (4th sacral foramen)

These points, along with Ciliao BL 32, form a sequence addressing various aspects of lower back and sacral health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Ciliao (BL 32) be helpful for menstrual discomfort?

Absolutely. Stimulating Ciliao (BL 32) is known to be beneficial for addressing menstrual discomfort. It helps in promoting the smooth flow of Qi in the lower abdomen and can alleviate pain and discomfort associated with menstrual cycles. However, individual responses may vary, and it’s advisable to explore what works best for you.

Is it safe to apply pressure on Ciliao (BL-32) during pregnancy?

While acupressure can be a helpful tool for various concerns, including back pain during pregnancy, it’s crucial to exercise caution. Pregnant women should consult with their healthcare provider before applying pressure to any acupressure points, including Ciliao (BL-32), to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.

How often can one stimulate Ciliao BL 32 for lower back pain?

The frequency of stimulating Ciliao (BL 32) for lower back pain can vary based on individual needs. Starting with a few minutes of gentle pressure once or twice a day is a good approach. Listen to your body and adjust as needed. If the pain persists or if you have any concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Pressure points – Bladder Meridian (BL)