Pressure Point: CV 7 – Yinjiao

  • Name (Chinese): Yinjiao – (陰交)
  • Name (English): Yin Intersection
  • Introduction: Yinjiao, or Yin Intersection (CV 7), is an essential acupressure point located on the midline of the abdomen. It holds significance in traditional Chinese medicine for its therapeutic benefits and influence on the body’s energy flow.


This acupressure point is located on the midline of the abdomen, precisely 1 cun below the umbilicus.

CV 7 Yinjiao

Pressure Point Identification

On the midline of the lower abdomen, divide the distance between the umbilicus and the upper border of the pubic symphysis into 5 cun. Yinjiao (CV 7) is situated 1 cun below the umbilicus and 4 cun above the upper border of the pubic symphysis.


  • Regulates menstrual cycles and alleviates menstrual pain.
  • Harmonizes the function of the reproductive system.
  • Addresses issues related to fertility.
  • Eases abdominal discomfort.


  • Apply steady, gentle pressure to Yinjiao (CV-7) using your fingertips. Use circular or upward motions for 1-2 minutes. Repeat as needed.


Pregnant women should avoid applying pressure to this point as it is linked to reproductive functions.

Conditions Treated

  • Menstrual disorders
  • Reproductive issues
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fertility concerns

Related Points

  • GV-4 (Mingmen): Located on the lower back, Mingmen is associated with the Kidney meridian and complements Yinjiao in addressing reproductive health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Yinjiao (CV 7) be used during pregnancy?

It’s advisable for pregnant women to avoid stimulating Yinjiao, as it is closely linked to reproductive functions and could potentially influence pregnancy.

How often should I stimulate Yinjiao CV 7 for menstrual pain relief?

You can apply pressure to Yinjiao for 1-2 minutes at a time, repeating as needed. Daily sessions, especially leading up to and during menstruation, may be beneficial.

Are there any specific visual or palpable cues to confirm I’ve located Yinjiao correctly?

When correctly located, you may feel a slight softness or depression in the abdominal area 1 cun below the umbilicus. Apply gentle pressure and adjust until you find a point of tenderness.

Pressure points – Conception vessel Meridian (CV)