Stomach meridian – (ST)


  • Pathway: The Stomach Meridian’s pathway traverses the face, neck, and chest, descending to the abdomen.
  • Start Point: Begins at the lateral side of the nose.
  • End Point: Extends to the second toe.

Organs Connected:

  • Primary Organ: Stomach
  • Secondary Organs: Spleen, Pancreas

Pressure points -Stomach Meridian (ST)

Key Functions:

The Stomach Meridian is crucial for digestive functions, regulating the intake and breakdown of nutrients. It influences metabolic processes, ensuring the body efficiently converts food into energy.


Applying gentle pressure or massaging specific points along the Stomach Meridian can stimulate digestive processes and promote overall digestive health.

Circadian Rhythms

  • Peak Activity Time: The Stomach Meridian is most active between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.
  • Associated Element: Earth

Overlaps with Other Meridians:

The Stomach Meridian (ST) can overlap with the Spleen Meridian, influencing each other in maintaining digestive balance.

Theory of the Elements

  • Element: Earth
  • Corresponding Season: Late Summer
  • Attributes: Grounding, stability, nourishment


Care should be taken when applying pressure to the Stomach Meridian, especially if there are pre-existing digestive conditions. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised

Additional Information

Understanding this meridian is key to promoting digestive health and overall balance. Incorporating acupressure techniques targeting this meridian can contribute to a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.

How To Locate Stomach Meridian’s Pressure Points At Home?

Exploring and activating the Stomach Meridian’s pressure points at home can significantly contribute to your well-being. Follow this step-by-step guide to effectively locate and stimulate these points:

  • Locating Points: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the pathway of the Stomach Meridian. Trace the meridian from the lateral side of the nose, moving along the face, neck, and chest, and concluding at the second toe. Using your fingertips, gently follow this pathway, identifying subtle points along the meridian.
  • Pressure Points: Focus on key points along this meridian, including ST2 (Sibai), ST36 (Zusanli), and ST44 (Neiting). Locate these points and apply gentle pressure using your thumb or forefinger. Gradually increase the pressure until you experience a mild sensation.
  • Stimulation Techniques: Employ circular or up-and-down motions on the identified points using your thumb or forefinger. Maintain a consistent, rhythmic pressure for 1-2 minutes on each point. Focus on deep and relaxed breathing throughout the process to amplify the calming effects.

It’s crucial to aim for a soothing and harmonizing effect when stimulating these points. If any discomfort or pain is felt, adjust the pressure accordingly.

Individuals with pre-existing health conditions should consult a healthcare professional before incorporating acupressure on the Stomach Meridian into their self-care routine.

By integrating these techniques into your routine, you can enhance your overall well-being and support the harmonious flow of energy through the Stomach Meridian (ST).

Is the Stomach Meridian overlapping with other meridians?

The Stomach Meridian (ST) does not typically overlap with other meridians in the traditional Chinese medicine system. However, it’s essential to understand that the energy flow in the body is interconnected, and different meridians can influence each other.

While there might not be direct overlap, there can be interactions or relationships between the Stomach Meridian and adjacent meridians, it is closely associated with the Spleen Meridian, and imbalances in one may affect the other due to their interconnected nature.

In acupressure practices, practitioners often consider the holistic balance of the body’s energy system rather than viewing meridians in isolation. Therefore, understanding the relationships between meridians, even if not direct overlaps, is crucial for maintaining overall health and balance.

If you have specific concerns or conditions related to the Stomach Meridian, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or an experienced practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine for personalized guidance.

Can the Stomach Meridian help with stress?

Yes, the Stomach Meridian (ST) is believed to play a role in addressing stress and promoting overall well-being in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

According to TCM principles, the Stomach Meridian is associated with the Earth element and is considered significant for digestive functions and emotional balance.

Here are ways in which may help with stress:

  1. Emotional Balance: The Stomach Meridian is linked to the Earth element, which is associated with grounding and stability. In TCM, emotions and physical health are interconnected. Balancing this meridian may contribute to emotional harmony and resilience against stress.
  2. Digestive Health: Stress can often manifest in digestive issues. As the Stomach Meridian is closely tied to the digestive system, promoting its health through acupressure or other techniques may indirectly alleviate stress-related digestive discomfort.
  3. Acupressure Points: Specific acupressure points along the Stomach Meridian, such as ST36 (Zusanli), are believed to have calming effects. Stimulating these points can help release tension and promote relaxation.
  4. Holistic Approach: Traditional Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to health, considering the mind and body as interconnected. By addressing imbalances in the Stomach Meridian, practitioners aim to promote overall well-being, which can contribute to stress reduction.

To utilize the Stomach Meridian for stress relief, you can explore acupressure techniques, mindfulness practices, or consult with a qualified acupuncturist or traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.

As with any health-related practices, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new approaches, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Can the Stomach Meridian influence sleep patterns?

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the Stomach Meridian is not directly associated with sleep patterns. However, TCM recognizes the interconnectedness of different meridians and organ systems in the body.

While primarily relates to digestive functions and emotional balance, addressing imbalances in this meridian may indirectly contribute to better overall health, potentially influencing sleep patterns.

Here are a few indirect ways in which balancing the Stomach Meridian may have an impact on sleep:

  1. Digestive Comfort: Discomfort or issues in the digestive system can sometimes interfere with sleep. Since the ST is closely tied to digestion, addressing any imbalances in this meridian may contribute to improved digestive health, potentially promoting better sleep.
  2. Emotional Balance: Normally, is associated with the Earth element, which is linked to grounding and stability. Balancing this meridian may help regulate emotions and reduce stress, which can positively influence sleep quality.
  3. Circadian Rhythms: The Stomach Meridian, like other meridians, follows specific energy pathways and cycles throughout the day. Balancing the energy flow in the Stomach Meridian may contribute to the overall balance of circadian rhythms, potentially supporting a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

While acupressure on specific points of this Meridian might be explored for their potential benefits, it’s important to note that individual responses can vary.

If sleep issues persist or are severe, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine for personalized guidance and a comprehensive evaluation of your health.